I was recently inspired to produce a “tower pano” from the top of the Carew Tower in Cincinnati. The Carew Tower is the only skyscraper in Cincinnati that has an observation deck that is open to the public. The deck is actually on the top of the building with unobstructed views in all directions. Most 360around panos are taken from one viewpoint, this one was from 8 different viewpoints on the observation deck. The most effective “tower panos” are taken on buildings with straight sides so that there is a view straight down to the ground. The end result appears that you are floating high above the building when viewing the pano. The Carew Tower has numerous set backs so that there is no view straight to the ground with the resulting view appearing not quite so high above the building. Another issue is the close proximity of other tall buildings close to the Carew Tower. The creates serious parallax problems when stitching together the images from the different viewpoints, in fact this was one of the more laborious panos I have created necessitating various retouching techniques to get it all to come together. It was a nice creative and technical challenge and I feel that the end result was worth the effort.