Old St. Mary’s Church is the oldest church still standing in the City of Cincinnati and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It was dedicated on July 3, 1842. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered in English, German, and Latin in both the ordinary and extraordinary forms.
“The cornerstone of St. Marien Kirche (St. Mary’s Church) was laid on March 25, 1841, the Feast of the Annunciation, with 10,000 people attending. Because the members of the new parish had only recently come to this country, they had little money and did most of the construction themselves. The women baked the bricks in their ovens at home, while the men felled and hewed whole trees to form the mammoth beams which still span the church above the painted plaster ceiling.”
Taken from “A Brief Introduction” to the history of Old St. Mary’s. Read more about the history here.

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